REVIEW: "Everything is Trash" on Philly Live

Baby’s First Press!

Thank you so much to Emily Herbein and Philly Live for their thoughtful review of my debut single “Everything is Trash!” Here’s a sneak peak at what Emily had to say about the song, but you can read the full article at the link below:

Roberta Faceplant is that “no shits given” type and she’s going to do what she wants... If you needed a song to shake you out of whatever is bringing you down at the moment, I think this is it. The arrangement is bright and cutting and completely, authentically classic country. I like that she decided to experiment with styles, and the Roberta Faceplant glam Americana aesthetic is so cool and edgy. Feeney really digs into her vocals in a way that’s totally gripping and demands attention, seamlessly transitioning between delicate soprano trills and intensely fed-up riffs.
— Emily Herbein for
Katie Feeney